Saturday, December 3, 2011


                       "I perhaps owe having become a painter to flowers."   Georgia O'Keeffe

American painter, Georgia O'Keeffe (1887 –1986) is world-renowned for, among other things, her  beautiful, enlarged paintings of flowers. O'Keeffe was certainly not the first artist to use flowers as a subject for artwork, but Georgia revealed flowers to the world in a way that perhaps it had never seen before. When you stand before one of Georgia O'Keeffe's flower paintings, you feel as though you are about to enter into it, that its petals are going to wrap themselves around you, that you may just be enveloped in its softness and scent. Georgia O'Keeffe revealed the gorgeous colors, textures and delicateness of the flowers she painted. The commanding size of her flower canvases made sure that people noticed these things, too.
Fifth grade artists at club have embarked on a two-week unit studying O'Keeffe's techniques and  unique perspective. Over the next few weeks, be on the lookout for some of their enlarged oil pastel flowers on display throughout the school and don't be afraid to stop for a moment or two and stare.

To view a short slide show of some of her flower paintings, click here.